Hey You!

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Jakarta, Indonesia
a sucker for city lights.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Wonderful Life as a Tenth Grader :)

--signing in--

terinspirasi dari beberapa blog kaka kelas, gue juga penasaran mau me-review apa aja yang udah gue lakukan selama menyandang status sebagai anak kelas X di kelas X-4.

Awal masuk, gue udah stres duluan karna ngeliat sekarang itu IPA dan IPS per mata pelajaran. Jadi Biologi,Fisika,Kimia itu ada jamnya sendiri (kalo jaman SMP, IPA ya IPA, campur semua, tapi yang dipelajarin juga ga ada hahaha) IPS juga, ga jelas mau belajar apa sebenernya. Tapi ya mesti adaptasi lah ya. Biologi, dapetnya sama Bu Indah Sulistio, yang baru masuk udah 'ngancem' hahaha bikin perjanjian yang ngga nanya apa-apa sama dia bakal kena hukuman kayak bawa pisang,pur, gitu-gitu hahaha. Cara ngajar Bu Indah sama guru biologi lainnya itu beda bangeets! Bu Indah maunya kita ngerti bukan ngafalin dari buku, bahkan banyak yang ga punya buku catatan Biologi khusus(contoh : GUE) . Dan waktu tau bahwa Biologi SMA itu banyak prakteknya gue makin ciuuuut karna pas ujian praktek IPA aja sekelas contek-contekan zzz. Tapi awalnya aja keliatan susah tapi ternyata gue berhasil ngelewatin semuanya! Mulai dari praktek yang rada gampangan kayak ngeliat taneman paku,liat struktur oncom sama tempe,contoh coelentrata sama porifera sampe yang agak mengerikan kayak ngeliat jamur di kecoa,mengamati cacing tanah,ngeliat arthropoda ( lipan,keluwing,kalajengking,laba-laba,kepiting,yuyu), ngebedah chordata ( marmut & kodok) atau yang seru kayak bikin tape dan produk daur ulang. Sangat,sangat jauuuuh bangets sama SMP gue. Nambah pengalaman yang jelas.

Oh my god, I'm so gonna miss you all.

X4 itu....

kelas yang letaknya di lantai 4, paling pojok deket kantin. Paling enak buat jajan. Kalo males nungguin pesenan jadi suka manja minta dianterin ke kelas. Paling lama stay di sekolah. Paling banyak bawa laptop. Per hari bisa lebih dari 5 orang bawa laptop padahal ga jelas ngapain. Satu-satunya (iya gak sih? kalo ga maap deh) kelas yang ketua kelasnya perempuan. Satu- satunya yang pake lagu extra waktu pagelaran. Kelas dengan jumlah anak paskib terbanyak. Kelas yang banyak borong penghargaan waktu batara (lebih jelas click disini). Kelas pertama yang punya official blog. Kelas yang nyumbang 2 orang penyanyi buat vocal group 68. Kelas pertama yang bikin kasus ama si bos
( yang padus ingat ingatkah kalian?) SATU-SATUNYA KELAS YANG JUMLAHNYA SELALU TETAP (kok kayak hukum fisika ya?), dari awal sampe akhir tetep 39. Ngga nambah dan ngga kurang. Kelas dengan anak cheers terbanyak juga. Kelas yang punya calon astronot masa depan! Kelas yang paling banyak ikut tes AFS (hehe). Narsis dikit.

Kelas yang punya 39 anggota, yang semuanya unik, dan irreplaceable.

Ada Amira si kutilang yang lucu dan poninya rapi dan rambutnya waterproof :p
Ada Andre saingan berat Jimmy Neutron yang gapernah dapet jelek di fisika
Ada Annisha(sa) yang puinter dan suka jepang, punya the sims lengkap! Nanti aku balikin kok sha,tenang aja tapi akunya lupa tewrus nih
Ada Anya si cheerleader cantik yang suka pedes dan suka telat
Ada Asyifa si penyanyi yang suka girang sendiri
Ada Dazen si calon astronom dan astronot masa depan yang khayalannya pun setinggi cita-citanya
Ada Dina yang paling rajin,suka mencatat dan sering ke GI mentang-mentang deket hehe
Ada Deka yang menjaga kelas kita dari kelaparan dan menjadi dewi penolong kalo ada tugas praktek hehe
Ada Fadli yang dulu kalo ketawa suka ngumpet, dan cubitannya sakit maknyus
Ada Ghaniyya yang imut-imut dan puinter buanget
Ada Hazu si ahli komputer yang demennya ama teori konspirasi
Ada Ina si sekretaris teladan yang suka diminta ngajarin hehehe
Ada Intan yang jadi pewarna kelas kita, yang sukanya nulis,yang nyablak, emak teladan
Ada Ives yang pinter dan suka Jepang dan ceritanya yang ga abis-abis hehe
Ada Karina yang lemot(maaf yaaa syg hehe) dan jago gitar
Ada Laras yang suka bawa laptop ajaibnya dan sukanya main game hp hehehe
Ada Lucky yang jaimmm pinter baik hati dan selalu ditunggu kapan singlenya?? hehe
Ada Gori si anak priok yang kocak dan direbutin banyak wanita hahaha
Ada Molina yang sukanya ungu-ungu-ungu-ungu
Ada Ari si anak paskib yang sukanya makan gratis dan menghibur kalo lagi mau nanya
Ada Deqi si calon arsitek bandara terkemuka yang alim dan shaleh (amin)
Ada Kukuh yang otak sama mulutnya ngaco tapi ya....yaudalah terima aja
Ada Ncek yang susah banget diajak serius, pelawak andalan, tenaga kuli ( walopun sbnernya anak X4 itu tenaganya emang kuli-kuli. Gapapa, kuli seksi kok )
Ada Aim si anak paskib yang suka bawa sepeda elektrik
Ada Bia si anak RC yang suka menyanyi dan suka saman sendiri tiba-tiba
Ada gue, ya gue ini
Ada Nicky yang seksiii dan nyablak, tapi pinter dan kalo ketawa susah berentinya
Ada Prabu temen BTA gue yang suka (sok) bokep, pelawak juga nih
Ada Dewan yang mukanya polos padahal...(isi sendiri)
Ada Pika si bayi yang polos dan suaranya imut-imut
Ada Ranti si anak marching yang jago menggambar
Ada Rio yang jago bultang dan dapet medali emas, cieee Rio hahaha
Ada Sanie kepala suku kita yang berduet sama Intan, berjasa banyaak banget selama ini
Ada Sharfina yang catetannya suka dipinjem dan suka pulang bareng gue hehe
Ada Putri si bacol yang lembut dan idungnya enak dipencet hehe, aaaaaah petuut
Ada Haura yang kalo ngomong pasti ketawa dulu dan bijak sekali
Ada Viera yang tulisannya rapi sempurna, aduh bikin ngiri
Ada Aceng yang jago ngomong pinter dan juga melawak
Ada Yurista yang rambutnya menggemaskan, tapi pinter kimianya sering 100 wuidiih

ya,kita, bagian dari X4 tahun ajaran 2008/2009 angkatan 2011.

Siapa bilang masa paling indah (cuma) pas jadi senior? Being junior is fun, too! Hehe

Hari Senin kita udah ngga bareng lagi, udah ngga sekelas lagi, tapi bukan berarti kita ngga bertemen lagi kan? Keep our relationship guys! Ntar gue samperin ya, hehe.

Btw, gue masuk IPS2. Ngga tau gimana jadinya. Ikut arus aja lah.

yang nomer absennya 26

-- signing out --

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Walk For Lupus

hearing the command

the ambassador cares about Oedapus Issue too :)

to be continued....


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Walk For Lupus

Ya dalam rangka Hari Lupus Sedunia (kayaknya) Elpala (EnamLapan Pecinta Alam) bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Lupus Indonesia mengadakan acara Walk for Lupus, hari Sabtu,16 Mei 2009 dengan rute SMAN 68 Salemba - Taman Suropati. Dan gue,Zihana,Ka Ajeng, Ka Tanti, Ka Astrid dan Sinta dari Baron 68 pun berpartisipasi dong,sebagai dokumentasi tentunya. Hehehe sekalian jadi ajang hunting foto, jarang-jarang kan ada momen jalan sehat kayak gini! Tapi dengan cantiknya yang dateng sesuai instruksi ketua(baca : Ka Ajeng) yaitu ngumpul jam setengah 7 cuma gue,Ka Ajeng sama Zihana, sisanya ngareeet haha nggak papa yg penting dateng. Tadinya dikira bakal jalan mulai jam 7, ternyata baru mulai jam setengah 8-an gitu,hehe

eh baru nyadar kalo diupload rada pecah ya?yaaaaah :(


ngantuk. Lanjut nanti. Atau besok. Atau besoknya lagi. Gatau.



Monday, May 11, 2009

Random Facebook Quizzes

I'm getting bored and don't know what to do, so I took some Facebook Quizzes and these are the results....this is just for fun, lets take the positive side!

what are you born to do?

best at everything
you are the social person who make useful contacts. you introduce important people to influencial people and always reap some sort of reward as a result...but you dont enjoy the spotlight as much. you prefer to stay in the back as there is more room to stretch and you like the feeling that you are the one with the power and most of the time that is true... you will do well in almost anyfield you know how to flatter without being to obvious and you can make just about anyone like you

Lets say, 'Amin'

what should your parents have named you?
You are nice, caring, and you love being with your friends. Boys drool over you and you are hot stuff.

- But I'm glad to being named 'Nadia Shifa Hardani' :D

which colour is your aura?
The more excitement they experience the more alive they will feel. Reds are practical, action-oriented, love to achieve results and be successful. They have an insatiable urge to win and create something valuable and important in their life. Their strong will power and intense, almost unlimited physical energy allows them to be extremely active, persistent and successful in virtually anything they do.

-- ah yeah?

what element are you?


You are cool and quiet, but this does not mean that you don't you loud moments. You are a spiritual person and you are sensitive to the feelings of the people around you. You are rather well rounded and are some where in between introvert and extrovert. You occasionally have your dark moments inwhich you become reclusive and think things over.

-- dunno what to say

What is your personality type?


You are an easy going, caring, and kind person. Some Phlegmatics have an amazing sense of humor and can crack jokes without even a grin. You tend to get along well with most anyone and keep most things to yourself. You are always looking for the easy way to do things and often procrastinate. Phlegmatics are generally attracted to Cholerics of the opposite sex.

-- idem

what season is most like you?

You are like flowers growing and needing to be watered and cared for.

-- yes, I'm craving for attention and loveeee

what's your sixth sense?
Out of all the sixth senses clairvoyance is probably the most mentioned in the mainstream. If you are clairvoyant (clear seeing), this means sight is your sixth sense. Often, this type of person is attracted to very visual things, like art, bright colors or light. We're guessing that things come easier to you when you can physically see them, whether it's a chart for science class or a photo from a fashion magazine. When it comes to your inner voice, clairvoyants often "see" what will happen next in a particular situation or experience very vivid scenes that involve the future. For instance, your inner voice may show you the place where you meet your next sweetie. It's kinda like having a crystal ball, but in your mind...
-- maybe?

What word best describes you?
You pride yourself on your intellect. You are always studying and learning new things. You love spending time working on the most important part of your body, your brain. You have an incredibly high IQ and love discussing world events and politics.
- amin.

what is your unknown talent?
You have a good eye for design and for photography too, mostly outdoor

-- whoaaaaa! :D.

What flower represents you?
You are are more of a loner. You can do very well on your own for quite some time. You are very cautious about who you choose to let into your life. The friends you have made, however, are very true and dear to your heart.

- I prefer jasmine, but rose is fine.

What keyboard key are you?

the "Backspace" key
You're always conveniently located - not right in the center of things, but never too far away.You have an important role in society that you play well, and you help people easily when they need you to.

- is it means that I always looking backward?

What sort of a human being are you?
You always look into the depth of matters.You think a lot before taking a step.You anaylse situations and make decisions accordingly.Although using your mind is a very good thing,learn to loosen up.

- that's me. yup.

What is your dream house?
The family dream home

-The suburbs is the place you dream to be. Your kids all grew up here and you know the grandkids will love it just as much in the future. You spend your time at neighboorhood block parties. Often having family and friends over for BBQ and game nights. Just another day in the sugar cookie way of life. Smooth and easy.

- oh God, yes yes yeeeesss! It's better if I have a wide yard and little prairie with a lake,full of flowers...aaa!

- that's all for now, see ya!
