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Jakarta, Indonesia
a sucker for city lights.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

howiday is over

owkay, howiday is over. Get back to our normal life. Hello 68, hello friends, hello teachers, hello clock, and hello uniform! It's (not really) nice to meet you (again) !

This holiday I didn't do anything, well just 3 days at Bandung and til the holiday's over, I just made friends with DVDs, TV, and bed. Ah, and food. Chocs. Chips. I have to be on diet. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to.

I didn't buy any books - it's kinda wierd, I NEVER skipped books exhibition, but I was not in the mood to read. So, this holiday I spent my money over DVDs. I bought 8 dvds and got 1 as bonus hehe, so these are what I bought last week at Bandung ( it located near Unpad Dipati Ukur, highly recommended! Nice quality, they have so many collection, from the old-movies like Ghost,Pretty Woman til Transformers 2. Nice service too) and all dvds I bought are romantic movies. Oh, and one about friendship.

Okay, these are DVDs I bought at Bandung ( +review)

starring : Demi Moore, Patrick Swayze, Whoopi Goldberg

ohhh, ini toh model rambut yang katanya booming jaman itu. Iya sih disini Demi Moorenya cantik. Ceritanya romantis, Sam (Patrick Swayze) dibunuh seorang penodong setelah ia dan Molly (Demi Moore) pulang dari teater. Tapi Sam jadi hantu dan ia baru tau kalo ternyata ada konspirasi dibalik pembunuhannya malam itu. Untuk ngasitau Molly dia bertemu Oda Mae Brown (Whoopi Goldberg) yang konyol. Adegan Sam-Oda Mae cukup menghibur dan lawakannya kocak juga. Ya efeknya untuk ukuran taun 80-an udah canggih, cuma kalo diliat sekarang aduh jadul banget. Keseluruhan : 4 out of 5

The Sisterhood of a Traveling Pants
starring : America Ferrera, Blake Lively, Alexis Bledel, Amber -sumthin-

gue udah baca bukunya duluan. Filmya oke, Yunani keren. Adegan Carmen dan ayahnya juga dapet tuh. Gue sirik berat sama Blake Lively, geelaaa bodinyaaa men. Oh iya adegan Tibby sama Bailey di kasur berdua itu sedih deh. Keseluruhan : 4 out of 5

Love Actually
starring : banyaak

iseng aja beli lagi. Tetep bagus kok. Hehe. Keseluruhan : 4.5 out of 5

The Notebook
starring : Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams

bagussss,romantissss,asik deh pokoknya. Buat yang suka film romantis harus nonton. Keseluruhan : 4.2 out of 5

starring : taulah siapa

iseng juga. Tetep bagus. Tapi gue bingung sebenernya Bella's Lullaby tuh nongolnya kapan sih? Kok di film ga ada ya? Keseluruhan : 4.5 out of 5

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
starring : Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Kirsten Dunst, Elijah Wood

lucu, keren idenya hehehe. Awalnya sempet bingung tapi lama-lama ngerti. Ga nyesel deh beli.
Keseluruhan : 4.1 out of 5

Notting Hill
starring : Hugh Grant, Julia Roberts

belom ditonton

A Beautiful Mind
starring : Russel Crowe

belom ditonton

Never Been Kissed
starring : Drew Barrymore

keren, lucu, ya begitulah. Keseluruhan : 3.8 out of 5

oh yaa sebelumnya gue juga sempet beli 3 DVD, He's just not into You, St. Trinian sama Angel & Demons.

He's just not into You
starring : Jennifer Aniston, Ginnifer Goodwin, Justin Long, banyak.

keren,bagus,lumayan. Keseluruhan : 4.1 out of 5

St. Trinian
starring : Rupert Everett, etc etc special appearance Mischa Barton and Lily Cole

kereeeeeeeeeen!!! Film cewek banget. Harus nonton. Keseluruhan : 4.4 out of 5

Angel & Demon
starring : Tom Hanks, etc etc etc

uda tau ceritanya. bagusan buku, filmnya ngebosenin, beberapa kali fast forward. Hehe Keseluruhan : 3.6 out of 5

well that's all for now see ya


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